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Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae 2018
Emeritus Professor Birthdate: April 10, 1948
University of Exeter Birthplace: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Department of Archaeology Citizenship: USA and UK
23213 Road D
Cortez, CO 81321
wallaceruin at gmail.com Web page: http://www.primtech.rocks
B.A. Anthropology, University of Arizona 1970
Ph.D. Archaeology, University of Cambridge 1977
1968-1970 Various positions with the Arizona State Museum Highway Archaeology Program, survey, excavation, analyses, and write-up.
1969-present Principal Investigator, Wallace Ruin Project, Museum of Primitive Technology. Cortez, Colorado.
1970 Field Assistant, Paleolithic site excavations: Pech de l'Aze I and IV (University of Bordeau); and Tsar a'Kil, Lebanon (Musee de l'Homme).
1971 Field Supervisor, excavations, Arizona State Museum Highway Program.
1972 Researcher, Caddington Project, Southern Methodist University and Oxford University.
1973-1976 Field Assistant, PaleoIndian sites: Lehner, Claypool, Selby; Smithsonian Institution, University of Arizona, Southern Methodist University.
1973-1978 Various supervisory field positions, PaleoIndian, Early Plains Archaic, Late Prehistoric sites, University of Wyoming.
1978 Director, University of Wyoming field school: Horner Site.
1979 Associate Director, Agate Basin Site, University of Wyoming and Smithsonian Institution.
1980-1982 Founding Partner, Complete Archaeological Service Associates.
1983-1984 Research Archaeologist, Center for American Archaeology, Crow Canyon Center.
1985-1996 Senior Research Archaeologist, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.
1994-1995 Native American Issues Coordinator, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.
1996-present President, Primitive Tech Enterprises, Inc.
1998-present Director of Research, Stix and Leaves Pueblo Project, Cortez, CO
2000-present Co-principal investigator of research at Krasnyi Yar, Kazakhstan
Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, UK
2004 Co-director of excavations at Ballyarnett, UK.
2004-2007 Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Exeter
2007-2013 Associate Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Exeter
2013-2017 Professor of Prehistory, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Exeter
2017-present Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Exeter
1987 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins.
1989-1991 Member, Thesis committee, Anthropology Department, University of Colorado-Denver.
1989-1995 Member, Colorado Historic Preservation Review Board, Governor's appointment.
1983-1993 Member, Dissertation Committee, Department of Anthropology, Washington
State University.
1986-1992 Member, Dissertation Committee, Department of Anthropology, Washington
State University.
1991-1995 Member, State Register of Historic Properties.
1991 Vice President, Colorado Archaeological Society, Hisatsinom Chapter, Cortez.
1992 President, Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists.
1993 Co-president, Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists.
1994-1995 Member, Society for American Archaeology, Native American Issues Committee
1996 Member, Afognak Cultural Advisory Board, Kodiak, Alaska.
1997-2003 Board Member Hisatsinom Chapter, Colorado Archaeological Society
1998 Board Member Cortez Cultural Center.
1998-2015 Member, Scientific Board, Mitchell Indian Village and Archeodome, SD
1998-present Adjunct Professor, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
1999-present Research Associate, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
2001-2015 Research Associate, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA
2002-2003 Honorary Fellow, University of Exeter, UK
2013-present Adjunct Faculty, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India
Lipe, W. D. and B. A. Bradley
1988 Prehistoric Pueblo Organization, Sand Canyon Locality, Southwestern Colorado.
Two year grant. National Science Foundation. Completed.
Bradley, B. A. and W. D. Lipe
1990 Investigating 13th Century Anasazi Public Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo.
National Geographic Society. Two year grant. Completed.
Bradley, B. A.
1992 Kostenki: Its Present and Possible Future. International Research Exchanges
(IREX). One year grant. Completed.
1997 Eastern Gravettian Tutorial. Presenter. Sponsored by Institute of Archaeology,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. International Research Exchanges (IREX).
One year grant. Completed.
Olsen, Sandra L and Bruce A. Bradley
1999 Investigations of Krasnyi Yar, Kazakhstan: A Possible Locus for Early Horse Domestication. Three year grant. National Science Foundation. $210,000
2004 An Integrated, Multidisciplinary Investigation of Early Horse Pastoralism in
Northern Kazakhstan. Three year grant. National Science Foundation. $170,000.
Bradley, Bruce A.
2009 Rolling Stones: a revolutionary method of moving large monument stones in the British
Neolithic. Gemini Productions £11,000.
Bradley, B. A. (PI), Dietrich Stout (CoI) and James Steele (CoI)
2010 Learning To Be Human, PI Three year grant from the Leverhulme Trust £231,237 concluded 2014.
Bradley, B.
2016 Blackhand Kiva: Biography of a replica ancestral Pueblo subterranean masonry-lined structure, Montezuma County, Colorado, USA. In The life cycle of structures in experimental archaeology: An object biography approach. Edited by Linda Hurcombe & Penny Cunningham, Sidestone Press, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp 199-210.
2006 The Durable Legacy: Architectural Planning at Sand Canyon Pueblo. In Canyon Gardens: The Ancient Pueblo Landscapes of the American Southwest. Edited by B. H. Morrow and V. B. Price. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
2004 Wallace Ruin and Chaco Missions. In Chimney Rock the Ultimate Outlier. Edited by J. M Malville, Lexington Books, Oxford. pp 115-122.
Bradley, B., Collins, M., Hemmings, CA.
2010 Clovis Technology. International Monographs in Prehistory No. 17. Ann Arbor, MI.
Bradley, B., S. Olsen, and S. Bektasov
submitted Neolithic Archaeology Near Kokshetau, Kazakhstan. In Central Asian Prehistory. Edited by Irene Good, Routledge Press, Routledge, NY.
Bradley, B., D. Stanford
The North Atlantic ice-edge corridor: a possible Palaeolithic route to the New World.
World Archaeology 36(4):459-478, Routledge.
2006 The Solutrean-Clovis connection: reply to Straus, Meltzer and Goebel. World Archaeology 38(4):704-714, Routledge.
Aubry, T, Bradley, B, Almeida, M, Walter, B, Neves, M, Pelegrin, J, Lenoir, M, Tiffagom, M
2008 Solutrean laurel leaf production at Maitreuax: an experimental approach guided by techno-economic analysis. World Archaeology 40(1):48-66, Routledge.
Olsen, S., B. Bradley, D. Maki, and A. Outram
2006 Community Organization among Copper Age Sedentary Horse Pastoralists of
Kazakhstan. In D. Peterson (ed.) Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Integrating Local and Global Visions, Proceedings of the First Annual University of Chicago Eurasian Archaeology Conference. Brill Press, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 89-111.
Ortman, Scott G. and Bruce A. Bradley
2002 Sand Canyon Pueblo: The Container in the Center. In Seeking the Center Place. Edited by Mark D. Varien and Richard H. Wilshusen, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Stanford, D., B. Bradley
2002 Ocean trails and prairie paths: Thoughts about Clovis origins. In The First
Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New World. Edited by N.G. Jablonski. Memoirs of the California Academy of Science, No. 27.
2012 Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America’s Clovis Culture. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Stanford, D., D. Lowery, M. Jodry, B. Bradley, M. Kay, T. Stafford, R. Speakman
2014 New Evidence for a Possible Paleolithic Occupation of the Eastern North American Continental Shelf at the Last Glacial Maximum. In Prehistoric Archaeology on the Continental Shelf: A Global Review, eds. A. Evans, J. Flatman and N. Fleming, Springer, New York, pp. 73-93.
2014 Reply to O’Brian, et al. Antiquity, 88:614-621.
Bradley, Bruce A.
1972 Predynastic Egyptian Flint Implements: An Inductive Technological Sequence. Newsletter of Lithic Technology 2(3):2-5.
1974a Preliminary Report of Excavations at Wallace Ruin. Southwestern Lore 40(3&4):63-71.
1974b Comments on the Lithic Technology of the Casper Site. In The Casper Bison Kill Site, edited by George C. Frison, pp. 191-197. Academic Press, New York.
1975a Lithic Reduction Sequences: A Glossary and Discussion. In Stone Tool Use and Manufacture, edited by Earl Swanson, pp. 5-14. Mouton Press, The Hague.
1975b A Technique of Drawing Flaked Stone. Newsletter of Lithic Technology 5(1):6-8.
1976 Experimental Lithic Technology with Special Reference to the Middle Paleolithic. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge, England.
1978 Hard Hammer - Soft Hammer: An Alternative Explanation. Flintknappers' Exchange 1(2):8-10.
1979 Three Rock Shelters Near Kingman, Arizona. Ms. on file at the Arizona State Museum, Tucson, Arizona.
1980 Excavations at Az. BB:13:74, Santa Cruz Industrial Park, Tucson, Arizona. CASA Papers No. 1. Complete Archaeological Service Associates, Tucson, Arizona.
1982a Lithic Typology and Technology at the Agate Basin Site. In The Agate Basin Site, edited by George C. Frison and Dennis Stanford, pp. 181-208. Academic Press, New York.
1982b Cultural Resource Monitoring of a Shell Oil Company CO2 Well Pad and Significance Evaluation of 5MT7525 Montezuma County, Colorado. Complete Archaeological Service Associates (CASA) Cortez, Colorado.
1984 The Wallace Ruin and the Chaco Phenomenon. In Insights Into The Ancient Ones, edited by Ed Berger and Jo Berger, pp. 122-127. ISEP, Inc., Cortez, Colorado.
1986 1985 Annual Report of Test Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
1987 Annual Report of Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Montezuma County, Colorado, 1986 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center,
Cortez, Colorado.
1988a Annual Report of Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765): 1987 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
1988b Kiva Use in the Thirteenth Century in the Mesa Verde Area: A new Assessment.
Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Phoenix.
1988c Wallace Ruin Interim Report. Southwestern Lore 54(2):8-33.
1988d Unusual Vessel Forms from Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado. Pottery Southwest 15(2):1-4.
1989 Architectural Petroglyphs at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765) Southwestern Colorado. The Kiva 54(2):153-161.
1990a Annual Report of the 1989 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
1991a Excavations in Public Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: The 1991 Field Season. Submitted to the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
1991b Flaked Stone Technology in the Northern High Plains. In Prehistoric Hunters of the High Plains, second edition by George C. Frison. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.
1991c Anasazi Human Female Breast Effigies: A Fresh Look at Busted Pots. Pottery Southwest 18(4): 5-9.
1992 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project A Progress Report, edited by William D. Lipe, Occasional Papers of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, No. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
1993a Paleo-Indian Flaked Stone Technology in the North American High Plains. In Kostenki to Clovis Upper Paleolithic-Paleo-Indian Adaptations, edited by Olga Soffer and N. D. Praslov. Pages 251-262. Plenum Press, New York.
1993b Planning, Growth, and Functional Differentiation at a Prehistoric Pueblo: A Case Study from Southwestern Colorado. Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 20:23-42, Boston.
1993c Wallace Ruin: Implications for Outlier Studies. In Chimney Rock Archaeological Symposium, edited by Kim Malville and Gary Matlock. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station, United State Forest Service, General Technical Report.
1995 Clovis ivory and bone tools. In Le Travail et L'Usage de L'Ivoire au Paléolithique Supérieur, edited by J. Hahn, M. Menu, Y. Taborin, Ph. Walter, and F. Widemann. Actes de la Table Ronde, Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Ravello, Italy.
1996 Pitchers to Mugs: Chacoan Revival at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Kiva, 61(3):241-255.
1996 Flintknapping. In Faces, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.16-19.
1997a Flaked Stone Technology at the Sloan Site. In The Sloan Site edited by Dan Morse, Smithsonian Press.
1997b Bifacial Thinning in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe. Chips, 9(2):8-9. Branson, Missouri.
1997c Ножий Костенковский. Аркеологи Рассияю Н. 4
1997d General Observations of Flaked Stone Technology, in Ceramics, Lithics, and Ornaments of Chaco Canyon, edited by Frances Joan Mathien. Publications in Archeology 18G, Nationa Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Santa Fe.
1998a The Archaic Period. In Intrigue of the Past Discovering Archaeology in Colorado,
Project Archaeology Team, pp. 2-1 - 2-13. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Heritage Education Program.
1998b Cody; Horner Site; Lithic Technology; Sand Canyon Pueblo, in Archaeology of Prehistoric North America: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Guy Gibbon, Garland Publishing, Inc., New York.
1999 A Soho Phase Canal Adjacent to Pueblo Grande, Arizona. Kiva, 65(1):35-62, Tucson.
Brunswig, Robert H. Jr., Bruce Bradley, and Susan M. Chandler, editors
1995 Archaeological Pottery of Colorado: Ceramic Clues to the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Lives of the State's Native Peoples. Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists,Occasional Papers No. 2. Denver.
Bradley, Bruce, Michail V. Anikovitch, and Evgenij Y. Giria
1995 Early Upper Paleolithic in the Russian Plain: Streletskayan flaked stone artifacts and technology. Antiquity 69:989-998.
Bradley, Bruce and Melissa J. Churchill
1994 Excavations in Civic Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: the 1992 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
1995 Annual Report of the 1993 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow
Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Bradley, Bruce A. and George C. Frison
1987 Projectile points and specialized bifaces from the Horner Site. In The Horner Site: The Type Site of the Cody Cultural Complex, edited by George C. Frison and Lawrence C. Todd. Academic Press, New York.
1996 Flaked-Stone and Worked-BoneArtifacts from the Mill Iron Site. In The Mill Iron Site, edited by George C. Frison.University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Bradley, Bruce A. and Evgenij Y. Giria
1995 Flint Transport Evidence in the Upper Paleolithic of the European Russia. VIIth International Flint Symposium, Warszawa-Ostrowiec witokrzyski, 4-8 September 1995, Abstracts. State Committee for Scientific Research and Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw.
1996 Concepts of the Technological Analysis of Flaked Stone: A Case Study From The High Arctic. Lithic Technology. Vol.21, No. 1:23-39.
1996 Crow Canyon Vocabulary: a concept of the technological analysis of knapped stone industries. In Archaeological Anthology No. 5, edited by A.V. Kolesnik, pp. 23-31. Donetsk, Ukraine.
Bradley, Bruce A. and Lisa Huckell
1979 Investigations at La Mano Sola: Az. 15:26. MS on file at the Arizona State Museum, Tucson.
Bradley,Bruce A. and Nada Khreisheh
2015 Knapping Skill Assessment, in Archaeology and Crafts ed. Rüdiger Kelm, Husum Press.
Bradley, Bruce A. and C. Garth Sampson
1978 Artefacts from the Cottages Site. In Paleoecology and Archaeology of an Acheulian Site at Caddington, England, edited by C. Garth Sampson, pp. 83-138. Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas.
1986 Analysis by Replication of an Acheulian Assemblage from Caddington, England. In Stone Age Prehistory edited by G.N. Bailey and P. Callow. CambridgeUniversity Press.
Bradley, Bruce A. and Dennis J. Stanford
1987 The Claypool Study. In The Horner Site: The Type Site of the Cody Cultural Complex, edited by George C. Frison and Lawrence C. Todd. Academic Press, New York.
Eren, Metin I, Bruce Bradley and C. Garth Sampson
2011 Middle Paleolithic Skill Level and the Individual Knapper: An Experiment. American
Antiquity 76(2):229-251.
Faisal, A., D. Stout, J. Apel, B. Bradley
2010 The Manipulative Complexity of Lower Paleolithic Stone Toolmaking, PLoS ONE, vol. 5, issue 11, p. e13718.
Frison, George C. and Bruce A. Bradley
1980 Folsom Tools and Technology at the Hanson Site. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
1982a Fluting of Folsom Projectile Points. In The Agate Basin Site, edited by George C. Frison and Dennis Stanford, pp. 209-212. Academic Press, New York.
1982b Fluting Folsom Projectile Points: Archaeological Evidence. Lithic Technology X(1):13-16.
1999 The Fenn Cache Clovis Weapons and Tools, One Horse Land & Cattle Company, Santa Fe, NM.
Giria, Y. and Bruce Bradley
1998 Blade Technology at Kostenki 1/1, Avdeevo and Zaraysk. In The Eastern Gravettian. Edited by H.A. Amirkhanov, pp. 191-213. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Scientific World.
Grebinger, Paul and Bruce A. Bradley
1972 Excavations at a Prehistoric Campsite on the Mogollon Rim, East Central, Arizona. The Kiva 34 (2&3):109-123.
Hammack, Nancy, Alan Ferg and Bruce A. Bradley
1984 Archaeological Excavations near Zia Pueblo, New Mexico. CASA Papers No. 2. Complete Archaeological Service Associates, Cortez, Colorado.
Hecht, E., D. Gutman, N. Khreisheh, S. Taylor, J. Kilner, A. Faisal, B.Bradley, T. Chaminade, D. Stout
2014 Acquisition of Paleolithic toolmaking abilities involves structural remodeling to inferior frontoparietal regions, Brain Structure &Function, pp. 1-17. Springer, Berlin.
Henry, Don O., C. Vance Haynes and Bruce A. Bradley
1975 Quantitative Variations in Flaked Stone Debitage. Plains Anthropologist 20(68).
Ingbar, E.E., M.L. Larson, and B.A. Bradley
1989 A nontypological approach to debitage analysis. In Experiments in Lithic Technology, Amick and Mauldin eds. pp. 117-135. BAR International Series 528.
Jelinek, Arthur, Bruce A. Bradley and Bruce B. Huckell
1971 The Production of Secondary Multiple Flakes. American Antiquity 36(2): 198-200.
Khreisheh, N., , D. Davies and B. Bradley
2013 Extending Experimental: Control The Use of Porcelain in Flaked Stone Experimentation,
Advances in Archaeological Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, Delivered by ttp://saa.metapress.com
IP Address:, Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:50:09 AM
Kleidon, Jim and Bruce A. Bradley
1989 Annual Report of the 1988 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Lightfoot, Ricky R. and Bruce A. Bradley
1986 Field Manual. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Lohse, J., M. Collins, B. Bradley
2014 Controlled Overshot Flaking: A Response to Eren, Patten, O'Brein, and Meltzer, Lithic Technology, Vol.39(1)46 – 54.
Schwab, Angela L. and Bruce A. Bradley
The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Laboratory Teaching Manual. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
Varien, Mark, William D. Lipe, Mike A. Adler, Ian M. Thompson, and Bruce A. Bradley
1996 Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah Settlement. In The Prehistoric Pueblo World A.D. 1150-1350. Edited by Michael A. Adler, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
1971-2014 Lithic technology workshops/presentations at Augustana College, Buffalo Museum of Science, University of California (Berkeley), California State University Fullerton, University of Cambridge, Carnegie Museum, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh University, University of Iowa, University of Kansas, Kent State University, University of Kentucky, Oxford University, University of Massachusetts, Mercyhurst College, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of New Mexico, University of Northern Kazakhstan, University of Oslo, Rice University, Smithsonian Institution, Southern Methodist University, TARL (Austin), University of Texas, University of Texas (San Antonio), University of Victoria, University of Wyoming, Bergbau Museum, Bochum, Germany, Lund University, Sweden, Reading University, Southampton University, Liverpool University, John Moores University, University of Liege, University of Manchester, Durham University, Oxford University, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India, University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., Indian Museum, Calcutta, University of São Paulo, Brazil, New Scientist, London
1975-2004 Various presentations/papers at international, national, regional, and local professional meetings including the Plains Anthropological Association, the Society for American Archaeology, Southwest Symposium, Pecos Conference, International Flint Symposium; Italy, Norway, Russia, England, Germany, Sweden, Kazakhstan, UK, etc.
1971-2004 Lectures/presentations to amateur archaeological societies in Washington, Ohio, Oregon, Wyoming, California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, New York, South Dakota, Texas, England, Kazakhstan, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Norway, etc.
1973 Invited participant, International Symposium on Lithic Technology, Pullman, Washington.
1984 Invited participant, Symposium on Bighorn Basin Archaeology, Northwestern Wyoming Community College, Cody, Wyoming.
1988 Co-organizer of Pecos Conference in Cortez, Colorado.
1988 & 1990 Lectures and demonstrations at the Buffalo Museum of Arts and Sciences, Buffalo, N.Y.
1989 Invited participant in Soviet-American Scientific Exchange cosponsored by the Soviet Academy of Sciences and International Research Exchanges (IREX).
1991 Lecture and demonstrations at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio.
Helped organize part of the visit of a Soviet Scientific delegation to the U.S. and chaired a session of presentations at the Denver Museum of Natural History.
Co-organized and hosted a two month research visit of a Soviet collegue leading to a co-authored publication in a scientific journal.
Presentation/paper at the "Mesa Verde Symposium on Anasazi Architecture and American Design"
1992 External reviewer, lecture, and flintknapping demonstration for the Institute for Minnesota Archaeology.
1992 Particpant/presentor at conference "Le travail et l'usage de l'ivoire au Paleolithique superieur" sponsored by the European University Centre for the Cultural Heritage, Ravello, Italy.
One month research collaboration in Russia with the Institute of Material Cultural History, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, and with the Kostenki Museum Preserve, Voronezh, R.F.S.F.R.
1994 Leader of Crow Canyon excavations at Kostenki I, Russia in cooperation with the Institute of Material Culture History, St. Petersburg.
1995 Consultant on the Botai Project in Northern Khazakhstan, cosponsored by the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh and North Kazakhstan University, Petropavlovsk.
1995 Contributor to the VII International Flint Symposium, Ostrowiec, Poland.
1996 Leader of Crow Canyon excavations at Zaraysk, Russia in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
1997 Keynote speaker for opening of Anthropology Museum exhibit at California State University- Fullerton. Invited participant in Folsom Workshop, Austin, Texas.
1998 Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. Leader excavations at Zaraysk, Russia in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
1999 Co-leader of excavations at Tossal de la Roca, Spain.
2000-2003 Leader of amateur groups working at the Gault Clovis Site, Austin, Texas
2003 Leader of amateur group working at Les Maitreaux and La Picardie, France
2004 Leader and co-director of amateur and student group working at Ballyarnett, Northern Ireland, UK
1972-2004 Participated in educational films for the University of Iowa, the University of Kansas, Shell Oil Educational Film Division, and Public Broadcasting Associates “Odyssey” Series, South African Broadcasting Company documentary "Human Origins", Japanese Public Broadcasting series on Extinctions, The Canadian Broadcasting Company, Nickelodion, the Tokyo Broadcasting System, Millenium Series by BBC and Turner, Korean National Television, History Channel, PBS and Channel 4 London, Discovery Magazine Television, Wall-to-Wall Production for Discovery.
1980 Technical advisor, United States Park Service, Audio-visual Department, Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, film "The Anasazi".
1989 Produced instructional videotape "Flintknapping". 45 minute lecture/demonstration of flintknapping basics.
1972-2003 Produced and supplied replica artifactual materials for displays and teaching collections for: The University of Cambirdge Museum; the Smithsonian Institution, New York Museum of Natural History; the Maxwell Museum; the Arizona State Museum; the Denver Museum of Natural History; the Anasazi Heritage Center, The Mammoth Museum, South Dakota, and others.
1997 Analysis and reevaluation of Ray Long Site flaked stone (Angostura). Archaeology Lab, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD.
1997 Featured in New Yorker magazine article The Lost Man by Douglas Preston, 16 June issue
Featured in documentary video on World Heritage Parks by Tokyo Broadcasting
Company (in Japanese).
2002 Featured in BBC Radio programme on Early Horse Domestication in Kazakhstan.
2002 Featured in BBC Television Horizon programme “Ice Age Columbus”.
2004 Participant and advisor to NOVA program America's Stone Age Explorers
Technical advisor and featured in docudrama for Discovery channel produced by Wall-to-Wall Productions, UK.
2010-present Workshops in India (Bangalore, Calcutta and Madras), Brazil (Universities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero), Argentina and Uruguay.
2012 Featured in documentary Ice Age Columbus (NOVA)
2013 Featured in documentary Secrets of Stonehenge (HORIZON)
2014 Featured in documentary Prehistoric Autopsy (BBC)
2018 Featured in documentary Ice Bridge produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Company and the Smithsonian Channel.